Magick of the Hearth Cuppas

On Winter Solstice 2020, I sat at my hearth to share my light.
My current bio reads Jamie Della follows a whimsical path of magick, the swirling of words and spinning of stoneware. She is an ordained Priestess, Hearth Witch, creativity mentor and author of nine published books as well as an herbal journeys column, Backside of the Wind blog, plus several published essays and poems. Through creative meditation, Jamie invokes the Divine Feminine in her many aspects, creating functional works of art, words, and magick.
I show up every week with the intention of living that artist statement out loud.
In the beginning, I found recording myself terribly difficult because I am literally talking to my reflection. And that reflection is not always as predictable as I had imagined before I hit "Go Live."

I am learning how to be more vulnerable and accepting of my reflection.
And then, when I can, I release and trust the process. I let that expectation go. I am producing my own show and I am the content. My expression of how the Divine lives through me at the hearth of my home is the magick that I share every week. As long as I am expanding that lens, I will meet challenges to process, hold what serves and let go of the rest. I will be honest and human.
Part of vulnerability is calling out beauty when you see or feel it. I am completely captivated by Brit Bennett's book's The Vanishing Half, recently awarded the 2020 Book of the Year. The writing is rich with unique similes and metaphors and possesses an intricately braided plot that carefully unravels the multitude of facets and faces we show the world. It's also a book that explores how our color, our face, is viewed by the world and how that affects us internally. I'm just a third of the way through but am motivated to share the power of this quote, "As predictable as a reflection."
Life will teach us that others are not the reflection of our expectations. No one has our script. We all have layers and emotions that reveal and release according to Divine timing. If you think you are set in stone, imagine a crystalline stone like an amethyst with multi-faceted features that reveal their full truth only when the light shines through. Surprise yourself. Delightful you.
Let go and Let Goddess.

Turmeric Tie Dye
3 T turmeric
1 cup white wine vinegar
3.15.21 Magick of the Hearth Cuppa
We are all artists and healers. Anytime we connect with the Muse it is an occasion to celebrate and share the good news. Mother Earth provides inspiration and beauty as well as herbal allies for our work to know ourselves as Divine Creatrix. All recipes, spells and other expert advice are guideposts for us to discover the power within ourselves.
his New Moon I soaked under the stars in a natural hot spring. The next morning, I began making the turmeric dye. I altered this recipe that I'm giving you because I didn't have enough turmeric so added the remaining paprika my friend Gina brought from Hungary. It made bright orange rings.
I spent a weekend taking in the color yellow. Buttercup yellow. Bright yellow. Warm yellow. Golden yellow. Daffodil yellow. For me this is hope and courage, childlike wonder, joy. Color therapy aligns with the qualities of the chakras. Yellow is the vibrant life energy, the bright light of intuition.
Plants that work on our physical body, such as turmeric for inflammation, have a similar affect on our spiritual body. As proof, my right eye swelled today with the message there was something I did not want to see. Twenty years ago, I became Reiki Two certified and signed a contract to write the second book on Witchcraft. I felt exposed to a world that feared Witches and bargained with the Great Unknown, that I wanted financial independence in exchange for my bravery. My wish didn't happen in the timeline that I expected. Diligently I harbored that hurt.
I am remembering this inciting series of 20 years ago, because I got re-certified as a Reiki healer while writing an essay on Brigid for an Anthology. "If I could stay aloft, keep the momentum of my success going, it seemed possible that I might break the glass ceiling between the mainstream and Magick. I could help Witches no longer feel isolated and scared. I would spread the Goddess faith, elevate the Divine Feminine and make my liberty a reality."
Can I let the hurt go now that I see it? I was part of that bridge with six Goddess of Witchcraft books spanning 2000-2009 along with bevy of beautiful authentic creative wombyn who have held the traditions. I have supported and taught at gatherings like Women's Herbal Symposium, education and experiential, so that Witches are remembered as healers.
Today, The Internet has allowed Witches in the Middle East and the Middle West to explore the healing power of Witchcraft without exposing themselves to a community that would punish them for their knowing. I wanted to be in a community where we remember that we are the experts of our bodies. We may consult experts in their fields for advice, while knowing the answers are within our body, spirit and will. This is the Craft of the Wise.
Watch Magick of the Hearth Cuppa Live on the Goddess Temple App.

Tea Tie Dye
10 bags tea
1/4 vinegar
4 c water