She's Sensitive to the Spirit World
"I had an interesting chat with a psychic the other day," begins an article written about my Nana Mame in the Time-Advocate on January 28, 1980 by Larry Littlefield. Doesn't it sound like the beginning of a joke? Forty years ago, when I had just become a teenager, my Nana was a reigning psychic Queen, traveling the worlds and reading tarot cards.

Today, my mother gave me these memories of my Nana Mame, who boldly lived her one crazy life
The article is just so juicy to me because it shows how far we have come to normalize opening up to the Spirit World and it reminds me of my legacy. Let's read on...
She, in turn, recalled the spirit of a good friend and my maternal grandmother, both of whom died almost 20 years ago. She gave me messages from them. "He's very happy there," she said of my friend. "He says it's not what you think it is."
Then I had to ask myself just what did I think it is. And whether or not I believe what she said he said. Or what she said.
I understood this part so well. Mame was my step-grandmother and so that somehow made it easier to distance myself from her quirkiness with distain rather than the curiosity and respect I wish I had shown for her extensive knowledge.

Maybe this is why I get upset when young witchlings overlook struggles women endured to safeguard occult traditions.
The article continues.
Just try to keep an open mind on what it is up there, or out there or whenever it is that we go when we go, I visited Mame with like lack of bias.
Mame is the mother of a friend in Escondido who'd just as soon not be identified. "But you 've just got to meet her when she visits. She's fantastic." Well, she came to visit recently and I sat down with this person apparently sensitive to nonphysical forces. It was fascinating.
"I'm being shown twice," Mame said after closing her eyes for a short time. "I see material, fluffed gathered. She liked to sew. And, too, she liked music. I see her singing at the top of her voice. On a bank of a river, singing. She was a real grandmother. She loved to cook. Wait, there's more. I see a pretty smile, nice teeth. And she's patting someone on the head. She's the type that won't let something be said without putting in her own ideas. She's nice about it. 'That may be,' she'll say. 'But...' She always stood up for what she thought right."
After she spoke, Mame looked to me for confirmation, but I was unable to respond. It was so long ago that I knew "Grums" and I honestly couldn't remember those things.
The following day, I telephoned my mother, who lives in San Diego. She confirmed what Mame had said.
Yes, Mira (that was my grandmother's name) did a lot of sewing for her when she was young, and yes, she did love to sing. She was a member of the church choir. She didn't recall anything about a river, but Mira certainly loved to cook, she did have nice teeth in her youth and a pretty smile because she was such a sweet person.
And, finally, yes, she did speak her mind and she did so in a very calm manner. Mame scored well.
Too general? Coincidental? Perhaps. I'd like to believe that "Grums" was happy to be called or recalled. I'd like to, but I'm stuck in the middle of the road between here and the Twilight Zone.
The question of life after death has been fundamental with man since her emergence on earth. Is there in man a "soul" that survives the death of his body?
There is a branch of science that explores this question. It's called survival research, a particular area of parapsychology. New survival researchers reason that if part of us does survive death then it should be possible to investigate that part during life. What scientists are looking for is some aspect of human consciousnesses, or mind, which seems to function independently of the body and, therefore, may not have to cease functioning when the body dies.
Mame says she is able to feel the vibrations between that aspect and that of her own "soul" and that's where the messages come from.
She also does work in the areas of past lives (I was once a Spanish sea captain); medical readings (I should drink more water); hand analogy (I'll live a long time); and numerology (my number is nine and I'm a giving person).

"Your light will attract Spirit World but you get to choose which conversations you want to have."
Mame Plemmons
Mame, who has studied metaphysics for 15 years, prefers "straight-on, directional" readings that can benefit people in everyday life. "I can look into world situations and such, but that's too commercial. I enjoy helping every day people."
She does want people to know she can be reached at Awareness, Inc., in Vista starting Feb 1 and I don't need a crystal ball to realize that's a little commercial. Oh well, even psychics have to eat. Especially ones who predic the year 1980 will be a good one for me. I want to believe. I really do.
Reading this article reminded me that in addition to learning about 11:11, soul families, boundaries with the spirit world, astrology, faith healing, and the power of numerology, for the first time I saw the parallels in my Nana's teachings and my own.
We both use the Venn Diagram to invoke Spirit. I spell Magick with a K because of he hidden symbolism. The “g” within the spelling of Magick refers to the Ground or Mother Earth and our human, hummus, existence. The “k” references the sky or mysterious etheric realms. Imagine the “g” and “k” as two circles that intersect, like the Venn Diagram. That meeting point is where Magick happens: the manifestation of our focused will in alignment with the Universal Energy. That meeting point is also where we hear the message from our higher selves or connecting to others in the Spirit World. What a legacy she gave me!