A Box of Magick will connect you with the power that exists at your own fingertips through the guidance of two priestesses, one from beyond the veil…

A Box of Magick is a call to adventure―an invitation to awaken and activate the deepest part of your most mystical, powerful self. Traditionally, Magick has been taught with close, one-on-one guidance that is rarely available to practitioners of all levels today. This book invites us to practice with two magickal guides―author Jamie Della, and her Elder Wiccan High Priestess and mentor Connie DeMasters.

Fifteen years after Connie’s passing, Jamie received a literal Box of Magick on her doorstep―23 pounds of Connie’s rituals, hymns, spells, charts, astrology, and more. Through this unexpected gift, Connie is still teaching Jamie―and now they are both teaching us!

With the warmth of female mentorship, A Box of Magick offers a path of personal growth and empowerment and shares:

  • Inspiration to recognize the magickal lessons, universal messages, and helpful signs that exist all around us―from cycles of the sun, moon, and planets to herbs

  • Rituals that help us face and integrate the shadow self, develop abiding self-love and stand with a sword of personal truth held ready

  • Lessons in how to foster a relationship with crystals, herbs, living creatures, and elemental spirits, as well as our own stories, and write your own spells

  • Storytelling and parables that teach discernment as we connect magickal insights with our own experiences

Available in Paperback and Audiobook, narrated by Jamie Della

A Box of Magick is an invitation to Discover the Magick within!

Contact Jamie at jamiedellawrites@gmail if you are interested in having Jamie Della at your Book Club event for A Box of Magick

Download an Excerpt from A Box of Magic

Illustration by Katarina Samohin

What are people saying about Jamie Della and A Box of Magic?

Behind the Scenes

A word from author Jamie Della

The writing and crafting of A Box of Magick began at a psychic reading at the Serpent’s Kiss in Santa Cruz, CA, during the 2019 Samhain season and book tour for The Book of Spells. The reader, Matt Cavelli, sensed the presence of a powerful spirit, my mentor, Connie DeMasters, Elder Wiccan High Priestess of the DCWA Crimson Dragon coven. Connie asked that I get a picture of her, frame it and bring it along on my next book signing tour. I didn’t have a picture so I posted a request on Facebook, and her daughter Alexa responded with an intense picture of Connie with a beehive and catlike eyes. I printed and framed it at the CVS while still in Berkeley and placed it on my ancestor altar.

Only two years apart, Alexa and I quickly bonded through texting and social media as the pandemic settled upon us. We each hosted a Pampered Chef online sale, cleaned our garages and sifted through memorabilia. Alexa found stacks of paperwork, files upon files of her mother’s education and curriculum. She consulted the entire family and asked if I would like her mother’s magickal treasure box. The honor, responsibility and hope for a mentor in a frightening time was the treasure of a lifetime. I wrote about what it was like to open that gift and figure out the book inside the box here.

I have kept Alexa and her daughter Kristen informed of every step of the publication process for A Box of Magick, from the illustrations to the galley proofs to traveling to Long Beach and Connie’s home for the recording of the audiobook for A Box of Magick. I write blogs to share my struggles so that you can see a little of your story or a path to freedom as you meet challenges in your life. I want you to feel the Magick at your fingertips to make changes in your life to fulfill your Divine Essence in flow with the universe. These blogs are my behind the scenes stories of how I meet and greet my life with wonder, joy, self-love and Magick.