Witchcraft as Self-care
It speaks volumes to your soul when you indulge in self-care. When you treat yourself with loving kindness worthy of a Divine spirit having a human experience, you are sending a clear message to your psyche, your soul, that you are worthy of good things.
Energy builds like a muscle, so that when you consistently shower yourself with kind deeds, eventually you remember yourself as the Creative Source, both God and Goddess. This remembering of our Divine Nature is the core of Witchcraft and the belief by which we can manifest anything or even communicate with Spirits. Your magick will be more successful when you believe deep down that you can receive and share in this goodness cycle.
Instead of miring in procrastination or shouldas, we seek homeostasis and alleviate the stressor, rather than live with them. Next step is to trust the inner voice, which becomes clearer with more self-care. Your spirit is the unique personality with a singular gift or light. Your soul is the ever-lasting aspect of the deepest part of your Divine essence. Self-care respects and honors the spirit and the soul and will spark a desire for your evolution. Being in the vibration of receptivity allows for your dreams to actualize.
This year I have begun the habit of showering myself with at minimum of five small, kind acts a day and I have noticed that I am attracting more goodness and joy than ever before. Kindness to the Self-spirit reverberates back upon oneself like a boomerang. The more we get accustomed to loving care, especially at our own hands, the less tolerable we will be for nagging and negative thoughts. The habit of placing oneself in our center with a good vibration of love, peace and joy motivates one to take action and move out of negativity into positivity.
The trick is to include simple moments of joyful self-care. Of course, we count such things as massage, facials, hot tub soaks, pedicures and vacations, but I am talking about daily small acts. Here’s a few of my favorites:
Naps or sleeping in
Smoothies with supplements
Oiling the body
Drinking plenty of water
Bubble bath
Taking vitamins
Shot of apple cider vinegar
Dry brushing the skin
Netty pot
Making herbal medicines
Creating Magick
Tending an altar
Making pottery
Bedtime ritual
We can all use a little help from our friends. It isn’t always easy to let the good stuff in. Many of us have been taught to fear abundance on some secret level – wait for the shoe to drop, nothing good lasts, lots of dumb sayings perpetuated to keep us from seeing we have the power to create our lives as we wish.
My friend Meloney Hudson teaches a Taoist self-massage called The Deer, a breast-rubbing technique that de-toxifies the breast tissue, stimulates Life Force energy, and revitalizes overall health. Tending to the center of our nurturance is taking care of the Divine Feminine indeed.
Learn more here.
Self-care combined with plant allies can also help move the needle. Consider taking a walk in nature, hugging a tree, a facial steam or bath with essential oils, or simply meditating outside. The conversation between natural world, recognizing the reciprocity and equanimity through an energetic exchange, lifts our spirits when we cannot do it alone. When we bring loving attention to ourselves with the help of nature, we accomplish what we cannot do alone. Working with herbal allies teaches us to see ourselves as Divine, whether our frayed souls need calm or energy or purifying, herbs offer a path back to wholeness or reconnection to the Oneness.