October Full Moon
Every October the veil thins between the worlds of the living and deceased, human and faerie. This is the Season of the Witch. Minds open as rigidity has been replaced by numinous, other-worldly feeling. Witch derives from the word Wise. We are wise when we follow the guidance of nature as a way to live our lives. As Samhain draws ever closer, nature provides an easy guide for living this liminal space of change: listen for the mystery to teach you, let go of what drains you, and bring your energy to your core. October represents the twilight of the year. It is a time of possibilities.
The full moon will be this weekend. Pull out the pictures of your beloved dead, speak to them or write them a letter. My mom has a journal in which she asks her beloved aunt/pseudo mom her advice. You can choose to answer in your less dominant hand when dictating for those who have crossed over. Light a candle, sit in the dark. Write down things to need to release on bay leaves and toss them into a fire. Get cozy and dream your best life into words and images.
Magick is everywhere, even in the movie It's a Wonderful Life.
Recently a neighbor asked me why do I call myself a Witch? It was Taco Tuesday at our one restaurant in this rural mountain town. There’s mounted deer heads on the wall along with an Elvira poster, fishing maps from the 1950s and bumper stickers that are sure to offend. You get the idea.
My reply to her question was to calmly ask why she calls herself a woman. I am what I am. A Witch originates from the Wise. In fall, we release what doesn’t serve us (from donating clothes to releasing stuck notions of ourselves) and focus on our inner spirit so we don’t carry anything extra into winter.
Do you do spells?
I picked up a shaker of salt. Do you remember movie It's a Wonderful Life when Donna Reed says, “Bread, that this house may never know hunger. Salt, that life may always have flavor. And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever.”
That is a spell. We use these symbols and magickal objects that represent something important to us. And through these representations we channel our considerable power. Do you have power, she asks? No more than you, I reply. Except that I work on my powers everyday by following the guides in nature and recognizing that I myself hold the tools to all the manifestation that I will ever need.
Fall is here, Mercury has gone direct, it is the Season of the Witch and the ancestors are getting closer as we head into Samhain, colder days and longer nights. Our Pagan Sabbats bring Magick yes, but they also remind us of the joy of being alive in all seasons.