Magickal Wellness Kit

Join our seasonal wellness kit subscription for a quarterly box sent to your door. Sign up once, receive automatic renewal each quarter, and cancel any time. Next subscription deadline is November 30th, 2022 to receive the Winter Solstice box.

Magickal Wellness kits are carefully curated to maximize wellness by attuning with the seasons. The herbs, spells and Self-Care rituals were chosen for the intrinsic value that they bring for each turning of the great Mandala of Nature, also known as the Wheel of the Year. The foundation of a truly Witchy path is a deep connection and constant conversation with nature. After all, the word Witch originates from the word “Wise.” Whether you call yourself a Witch or simply want more Magick in your life – the Magickal Wellness Kits are a great way to welcome the changing seasons as they will be delivered on or before Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox.

Our first Magickal Wellness Kit will focus on the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, which occurs between December 20 and 22. This holy season is a time of rest, quiet reflection, when we can integrate the year. Solstice means “sun stand still,” while Yule, another name for the Winter Solstice, translates as “wheel.” The wheel is symbolic of the Wheel of the Year, the ever-changing, never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. The Winter Witchcraft as Wellness zine will include rituals to connect deeper with yourself, maintain a sunny disposition as the days of sunlight are short, and make peace with the cyclical nature of life. Ritual celebration to show gratitude for the gifts of each season keeps the energy flowing.

Each kit will include a Witchcraft as Wellness Zine written by Xicana Witch Jamie Della, author of nine books including The Book of Spells and The Wicca Cookbook. Each zine will be tailored for the season with delightful spells, rituals and other magickal practices that explain how to make the most of the bulk herb of the season, an herbal blend, an herbal product, charcoal, candle and other treats. Discover Witchcraft as a daily practice of listening to the inner knowing in harmony with the language of nature and the cosmos.

The more life force in herbs, the more potent our Magick will be. This is why I’ve teamed up with my cousin Elise herbalist in farmer owner of Oshala Farm to bring you magical wellness kit for the season.

Winter 2022 kit will include Witchcraft as Wellness Zine filled with green Magick spells and rituals. Mugwort, herbal ally for winter dream time and clarity.

An herbal blend of echinacea (protection) common sage (healing) and tulsi (comfort)

Calendula oil for a sacred oiling practice and a candle.

November 30 is the last day to order Winter Magickal Wellness kits to be delivered by the Winter Solstice. Order here


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