Catapulting into Faith

We can only belong and connect when we offer our most authentic self...

This is a paraphrasing based on recent teachings I have been blessed to receive. And its really hit me that being authentic isn't a personality trait - it a daily practice. Its a diligent dedication to speak from your heart, to have the courage to act from your highest integrity, to balance your desires with the practical needs of living on this earth plane. 

My most authentic self shows up when I'm playful, enthusiastic, passionate, open, vulnerable, sweet, strong, honest. When I was three years old I had a friend who would cry when she saw me coming because my bear hugs scared or hurt her. Occasionally I will make accommodations for those who are offended or overwhelmed by my exuberance and bear hugs... but that isn't really showing much self compassion.

Now I have decided to share my wild stories, my deep fears, my exalted joys only with those who have earned the right to bear witness to the fullness that is me. I don't need to feel bad for being too much...fill in the blank.

So following the road in the next step of authenticity, I am looking to be more open and vulnerable in relationships. To be kind, rather than guarded. To send notes of love and friendship just cuz and try so very hard not to monopolize a conversation with torrid tales of juicy adventures. I've decided that Recess is Back. I'm ready and willing to accept the Love of a Lifetime. I cannot hide this Patchouli Gypsy Sista. Play and passion must return to center stage.

I've decided to dedicate a few choice yarns for the pages. I'll say it.. I'm writing another book. Eek. Its true. In fact, I just told my boss that I need to focus on my passion and only those projects that inspire me. It is my greatest intention that this will lead to prosperity, freedom, stability, creativity and flexibility and not some false romantic notion of the starving artist - such an outdated, ridiculous notion!!! Ick. Ugh. Phooey!

So, the book will be about gypsy adventures of traveling cyclists, of owning wanderlust, opening up to the myriad of life's perspectives and traditions and probably some mystery that will unfold along the way... because if there is one thing I truly enjoy, its charging into the dark with nothing between me and fear of the unknown but my courage, love and faith.


Waking the Unconscious Curandera


Road Warriors on Two Wheels