We can improve our state of well-being and align with our purpose when we connect to the conscious life pulsating through each season. Tending the Sacred Flame in Midwinter will inspire you to listen to our swirling, alive universe where all of nature is conscious of itself and is in constant communication with us. When you follow the guidance of nature, you will see everything and every place as an ally for your highest good, and you will witness the Universe conspiring in your favor.
At the beginning of the year, we connect to the powerful new life that is awakening in the depths of the earth and also stirring in our own spirit. Celebrated in early February, Candlemas, the pagan and witches’ holiday also known as Imbolc and Brigid’s Day, is a time to recognize the growing light, the quickening, and channel this energy into an upsurge of personal power through creativity, healing, and lyrical messages from the unformed mystery.
The Zoom link will be available on the Morning Star Center for Spiritual Living.