We will celebrate Samhain, also known as Halloween,on October 30 at Root Down Community Hub.
Samhain is the third and final harvest and the Witches’ New Year. Samhain means “summer’s end” and is the twilight of the year, when nature recesses into the quiet barrenness of winter. We look to our reflection and let go of what no longer serves us, just as the leaves have let go for the survival of the trees. It is the time of year to engage our shadow selves, the hidden parts of ourselves that house our damaging tendencies and negative self-talk and habits. Through the portal of Samhain, we recognize death as part of the natural cycle of birth and rebirth. We sit in this cauldron of what to release before we can make way for new beginnings, hope, and manifestations in the new year. During this holiday, we gather the information needed for our manifestations by traveling between realms through the thin veil that separates the world of the living and dead, human and faerie, and other parallel universes or knowledge.
Our ritual will consist of creating an altar for our beloved dead with marigolds, candles, their pictures, and favorite foods. We will have a guided meditation to meet with your beloved ancestors about the shadow self and journal any response you receive.
Register via email to jamiedellawrites@gmail.com. You must bring a picture of deceased loved one (or their name on a piece of paper) and an offering for the altar (pomegranates, apples, pumpkins, gourds, autumn leaves or flowers, etc). The fee is a sliding scale $10-50.