Witchcraft Wellness

It has long been my intention to bring Magick to the forefront of healing ourselves and humanity. I truly believe in the work to restore the Goddess to an empowered and honored guiding force. I believe we can shift the global consciousness as we elevate our respect for the Goddesss and her influence on the beauty inherent in our communities. We can begin with treating ourselves with loving care - as a Divine reflection of the Creative Source. As Ghandi said, we must be the change we want to see in the world. The current patriarchy thrives on war and conflict, a matriarchy brings people together. We need the balance of the two. With the power and presence of the Divine Feminine, the full moon in Virgo implores us to bring in Divine order.

Hurt people hurt others and I felt that to be glaringly true as I entered my 30s. Upon reflection, I recognized junior high school is where my confidence started to break down and I didn't see myself with loving eyes. I recorded moments of feeling disconnected, apathetic, confused and anxious in a yellow diary that I kept as if it was a treasure map that I would later understand to heal my younger self. Throughout our lives tend to live out the patterns of early traumas, often without recognizing, in a negative thought loop until we let go of the pain. Grief takes time and tears. Magickal ritual and ceremony can help us redirect our thoughts for improved wellness of mind, body and soul.

I searched through my diary, seeking clues for the times I lost faith in myself or felt disconnected to my Divine essence. Then I wrote affirmations and visualizations to bring myself back to wholeness in my book, originally called The Teen Spell Book: Magick for Young Witches. After eighteen years in print and 43,000 copies sold, the published asked me to update this book, which we renamed The Book of Spells. I cut spells that focused on teen concerns such as getting a locker close to a friend, added new information on the Tarot, Moon cycles and other Magickal correspondences then included eight new spells based on the knowledge I had gained in nearly two decades of living juicy:

Instill Self-Reliance

What’s in Your Name?

Increase Your Bliss Tolerance

Take Responsibility for Your Life

Blessing Ritual for Youthful Innocence

Own Your Star Shine

Let me Live - Cord Cutting Ritual

Like a good Capricorn, I was paid for doing my own therapy. Writing these spells brought me into the trance state of meditation where I was able to visualize past, present and future experiences with Goddess nurturing care and God-like strength. Through a shift in my consciousness , I reclaimed my fragmented selves and stepped into my inner wisdom. This constant balance of the male/yang/day and female/yin/night is a basic tenant of my Witchcraft practice. Nature fluctuates in and out of ebb and flow, growth and rest, and provides a guide for living.

Self-Care is deeply embedded into the Witch’s psyche and has been a driving influence in my life. I created a list of the best books on Magick and Witchcraft as Self-Care and Wellness on the new Shepherd.com website. On this website you will find a myriad of lists of best books written by authors to share their favorite books around topics and themes they are passionate about and why they recommend each book.

I will be discussing Witchcraft as Self-on Quilt, a new audio-only social media app, on the Full Moon, March 18 at 8am PT. I am thrilled to bring the healing aspect of Witchcraft to every corner of the world. I created a list of 15 Ways Witchcraft is Self-Care as a reference guide for the principles of the Craft that lend themselves toward mental and psychical wellness. Blessed be.


Witchcraft as a Pastiche


My Wiccan Witchcraft Practice