Meet Your Inner Healer

We are all healers.
We are all capable of healing on the multi-cellular level.
We can heal our minds, body and spirit. We can heal ourselves of stuck beliefs. We can heal our ancestral wounds. We can heal broken pieces of pain that we never thought could or would ever, ever be whole again.

This is how I began my Meet Your Inner Healer SoulCollage® workshop at Oshala Farm Herb Camp this weekend under the grand, sacred oak tree. The wind rose and fell as I spoke with my hands, a conductor of Magick, a Witch. Branches swayed above us as I lead a group of 13 women on a journey to heal themselves under the tree of strength, honor, nobility, and wisdom. Throughout the weekend, talk around the fire or along the river at herb camp focused on our ability to heal ourselves, grow and make our own medicine, and hold each other as precious.

I found my Inner Healer in deep conversation with Kobe, my youngest son, on a 10-day, 3-state road trip. He played his original music at his first open mike night at at herb camp. Of course I got up to dance and led a callback singalong. It was the most magickal moment when I looked into his labradorite eyes, and he confirmed my role in the "ecosystem of plant wombyn as one who helps others heal themselves of emotional wounds.” Wow. It is truly healing when our children really see the good we strive to do. Compassion is by far, one of the greatest blessings I have every received.

Play and creativity are balms to our hearts like mine that are terribly wounded by the recent decision to oppress women. The talk around the fire and along the river focused on our ability to heal ourselves, grow and make our own medicine, and hold each other as precious. This heartfelt bonding is never more important than right now in the desperate, final death grip of a dying patriarchy. Together, we can foster the kind of healing that awakens and strengthens wholeness.
I believe in us.


Principles of Wiccan Belief


Living my best life