Flower Moon Eclipse Magick
On the January full Wolf Moon, I began to spin a vision for a home tucked into a wooden hollow. cozy and quaint and full of Hearth Magick, the cottage of my dreams would be nestled in a small, sheltered valley with a watercourse. The dwelling would be small in comparison to the spacious land and huge gardens: one for wildflowers, one for medicine, one for food; and one for commerce. The local town would have a pub, independent bookstore, and a coffeehouse.
Willits, California has all three businesses on the same block, plus a natural foods market, year-round farmer’s market, and an herbal guild.
On the February New Moon we drove the winding Redwood Highway to the gorgeous Mendocino Coast. March and April Full Moons, I dreamed of my cottage in the hollows and made a wish to live on the land, whose spirits I could hear calling me.
Joey and I closed escrow on April 27 for our Homestead in the Hollows, 44 acres of meadows and forests with a well, fresh spring, river, irrigation, water storage, and a sweet cottage that is loving our TLC. We celebrated Beltane by marrying ourselves in a sweet handfasting vow on the New Moon. The dream, this spell, is unfolding in ways that have surpassed a happiness that I didn’t know I could achieve, including two thousand grow bags full of soil to plant wildflowers, plant allies for medicine and Magick, fruits and veggies, and hundreds of artichokes for Joey’s post retirement business hawking his wares at farmer’s markets.
I am in such love with this place I started a blog, Homesteading the Hollows, and I simply cannot stop writing about adventures in learning about how wells work and water pressure, choosing between charging my phone or the nighttime lights based on how much energy the solar panels produced, and how to really trust my instincts on this wild land of ticks, bears, mountain lions, wild turkeys, and deer. Each morning, we drank coffee on the covered deck listening to twittering birds and the bees humming over the fields of clover, century old fruit trees, and poison oak. It’s a practice for me to relax while so many bees are close by. On our last night we snuck up on the beehive and I was surprised at the tenderness I heard in the hum of sleeping bees.
As the full Pink Moon eclipse reached the halfway point and began to wane, Joey and I began the 8-hour drive home at 10pm. Moonlight danced between redwood and fir trees and over hills, and I prayed for the courage to accept my happiness and this dreamy life. I petitioned for the peace to be satisfied with whatever happens with my books and career in these next two years. I asked for my heart to be open to receive the prosperity and success I desired. I wanted to let goodness to flow in me, through me and out and back again. With the power of the eclipse, I held a vision of love winning over fear.
All through the night, I gazed at the moon as it followed along from Mendocino to Crowley. I prayed for courage for open hearts, peace in our souls for everyone on the planet. I asked the Moon that any light I attain or shine be shared across the world to somehow ease the pain, fear and confusion in the world.
“With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams it’s still a beautiful world. Strive to be happy.” - Desiderata
The power of the May Flower Moon is to Bloom! To thrive we must be willing to see and feel the beauty and moments of joy and happiness. The blossoms are there to remind us to live our most fullest expression every chance we get.
Afterall, the Goddess Speaks in Flowers.