Beltane Photo Essay

Faerie Sprite With Tiny Might
Grant to me the Magick Light
Pierce the Darkness of the Night
Bless me with Unflinching Sight
Bring to Us the Blissful Height
Human Spirit Holding Tight
Healing of Our Mother's Plight
Shining Our Our Love-filled Light

This poem came to me two weeks before Beltane, my most favorite holiday. This Pagan sabbat is devoted to Dionysus, the God of Wine yes, but also the Deity of fermentation and wild abandon. I just love this Spirit of Growth. As the leaves began to bud on the Aspen and Willow and the daffodils blossomed a few days before Beltane, I began to think of what I would leave for them: a bevy of locally found crystals, homemade bread, honey and red wine. On May Day, I went out to find the Fae had indeed enjoyed themselves.

"Satisfied customers. Always leave room in the garden for faeries. Present them with wine, honey and oats." I wrote on my Instagram page and was surprised again by the most fertile soil of curiosity and ignorance. So I took The Book of Spells to the Faerie Ring by the Creek and opened to the page for the Spell to experience the elementals: the faeries, dryads, nymphs, gnomes, sprites, and on by many names.

Doesn't the shadow on the right look like a bevy of images? It feels so elemental and I got the instinct that I should post this spell here for a permanent home. I am so honored that you would follow me all this way that I wanted to honor you with a gift from the Little People.


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The Isolation that Brought Us Together