Pennies from Heaven

I absolutely believe in the power and protection of loved ones from the other side. One of my most favorite Angels is my Grandpy Joe who once again has reached across the veil that separates the living and wherever he is at to provide for his family.
Skyler wanted to go on a surf trip to Chicama, Peru, home of the longest left, but couldn't imagine how to pay for it. I suggested we ask for donations in his graduation invitation with the faith that the family would rally for him. He just needed to pay it forward and trust it would come back. Our family is crazy, dramatic and above all loyal. I knew they would come through for him.
I didn't expect to receive a call from Grandma Chris and two huge jars of coins that Grandpy had saved. He's been gone more than 8 years and still Grandpy has found a way to give my son $240 worth of spare change for a change of air.
Grandpy used to call just to ask, "Who loves you baby?" There was a call and response routine. I would say. "You!" and send a long kiss. He would say "Caught it!" And then we would hang up. That's it. And I would be all warm and cozy inside, feeling loved and positively protected.
Sometimes there is just no way to deny how harsh life can be. How bruised and battered we can feel when dreams die, love leaves and work grinds out the joy. But when the angels reach through the clouds to help lift the load, I am reminded that life is but a dream and I will get through. All will be well. I just need to look for those pennies from heaven and one way or another, they will come.
"Every time it rains, it rains pennies from heaven
Don't you know each cloud contains pennies from heaven?
You'll find your fortune's fallin' all over the town
Be sure that your umbrella is upside down
Trade them for a package of sunshine and flowers
If you want the things you love, you must have showers
So, when you hear it thunder, don't run under a tree
There'll be pennies from heaven for you and me."
Pennies From Heaven is 1936 American popular song with music by Arthur Johnston and words by Johnny Burke. It was introduced by Bing Crosby in the popular movie Pennies from Heaven.