No Plans. Know Joy.


The only way I know how to let go of consistent worry about security, should have’s of the past and could be’s of the future is to completely freefall into the flow of life. I am learning my only guarantee for joy is to show up fully present in each moment.

Last Saturday, Joey and I hit the road for an undetermined amount of time and no plans, but to see pretty country and enjoy each other’s company. The first night we headed into the woods and found a lovely dirt road, which lead to a huge cell tower. I had four bars on my phone, but excessive RFs wasn’t what we had in mind. We continued trekking the mountainside until we found a wonderful flat, dry spot protected from the recent rains by a large canopy of trees. We pulled out the camping chairs and listened to the silence.

eric ross

After a stroll through the forest, we left the trees, passing quickly through Sacramento to ramble through Sonoma County’s rolling soft tan hills dotted with oaks and corner pop up booths selling cherries (we got a bag of Rainiers). We stopped at Eric Ross, a small winery where the managers were so kind and the wine so delicious, we signed up for a membership, which I hope will recall this warmly delicious, sun-soaked day. As we headed to his sister’s for a family dinner, a soft misty fog suffused the countryside with blurry, dreamlike lines.



Next morning we headed to Copperfield Books in Sebastopol so I could pick up a book written by Robin Rose Bennett, an incredible herbalist whom I am interviewing for Sage Woman Magazine. After shopping at Rosemary’s Garden and stocking up at Whole Foods, we took off for coast. Joey found his favorite beach where as teenagers, they drummed around huge bonfires. We scaled down the cliffs and saw to our wonderment a huge driftwood construction with multiple rooms and a readymade fire pit.


We enjoyed a scrumptious picnic and red wine port while the sky turned from brightest blue, to tawny twilight to deep indigo sprinkled with stars and a bright waxing moon. We drove into the woods and easily located another wonderful spot to hide the truck and ourselves in nature.

The following day, we walked the bluffs of Bodega Head and then followed the winding coast and faery-like meadows to the coolest town of Gualala, and a must stop at the awesome metaphysical store for a gorgeous faery print.



Traveling inland, the sun broke through and we stumbled upon Faulker State Park, the perfect place to bbq our kebobs under redwood trees. With a little help of our GPS, we reached Anderson Valley Brewery to try a flight of brew. Driving winding backroads, we spotted wild turkey, then it was through Hopland and an Indian reservation to the sketchy U Wanna Camp. Eh. We kept driving until we found the dry Scott’s Creek at Cow Mountain and gratefully fell asleep.



Joey recalled memories of working a delivery route as we drove along Clear Lake, then heading into the heart of Lake County we passed where we had hunted pigs last year. We watched mile paddles, trying to count how many counties we had passed so far. Nevada City became our next stop where we found a slew of treasures from old fire station to a bohemian shop and Three Forks Bakery & Brewery.

After another lovely night amongst the trees. we breakfasted in Truckee and drove along the breath-taking coast of North Lake Tahoe, (there is a bike trail here that I will most definitely ride one day), then headed down 395 and straight to the mineral hot springs and home.



There wasn’t one part of this journey that was carefully planned or so unyielding that could cause anxiety or strife for expectations unmet. We literally rambled through our days, crossing 15 counties and hundreds of miles, choosing our direction by whim or a desire to experience something, like trees or local wine. We never set an intention other than joy and we were handsomely rewarded with a blissful adventure. My greatest wish is to bring this free-spirit, worry-free trust that "everything is already okay" to the regular days of work, kids and bills.. to follow my bliss wherever I am.


Ebb and Flow


Marry Your Wild Self