Dancing on Rainbows

One of the greatest, most amazing gifts of being an author is that teens write me heartfelt "letters" seeking advise and help.These aren't your ordinary teens - they are young adults willing to risk isolation and persecution from friends and family because they believe in something so beautiful and powerful that it scares others. And just need a little nudge, a little confidence to keep going.At least once a month I receive an email such as this asking for a friend, someone to remind them that they in fact, have the answers.

"I started practicing Wicca back in April, and so far everyone I've told is just happy for my title, and not what I really do. I don't know what to say when they come to me and make fun of what I do, even if they are just 'teasing' or joking. It's really offensive to me that I can't talk about my religion seriously and they can debate with me on why I should be Christian like everyone else is. What should I say or do to make them take magick seriously and not as some cheesy make believe thing as they think it is?"
                                                                                                                    - Samantha, 14
"Sweet sister, if you could come up with that answer, you could solve most of the world's problems. We must follow our bliss, our integrity and not care a whit whether or not the world agrees with us.You've just got to learn who is safe and wise enough to listen to what you say and believe. It would be their privilege to hear your insight. It isn't a matter of just blurting out or having the opportunity to discuss spiritual matters. Those who are called to Wicca in its truest, most purest form, are, in my opinion of a higher consciousness in that they accept personal responsibility for their actions, their thoughts and their focus and how this impacts all life around them.Most people are asleep and don't want to assume this level of autonomy. So by virtue of your maturity, there are things that you ascribe to, gravitate towards and understand that are beyond others' comprehension. That doesn't mean you should pity them, or belittle them or wait for them to catch up to you, just so you have company. Your trajectory is set. Keep dancing with the stars.I agree. It often doesn’t feel fair that we can't share with others the beauty of the things we see and feel nor the connectivity of life and its mystery; but that doesn't mean you should forgo your opportunity to dance on rainbows.If you could be a duck and allow the water to fall from your back rather than puddle and become a burden, how would you do that? What affirmations would you say to learn to let go and let it flow? What images would you use? What colors would represent this type of easy-going mental and spiritual awareness? Listen to your instinct. It is your best guide."


The most surreal, greatest gift of all, is that the lesson is often a reminder of what I must focus on. And sometimes I wonder where these angels come from.


The first and only Amazon woman I ever knew


Sometimes I Spend my Lunch in a Rabbit Hole