I am a camp snob

Curses upon wilderness survival for it has ruined me for relaxing the campground setting. I don't want to hear other peoples' conversations I don't want to hear their kids screaming or their dogs barking.  I actually said aloud "Thats obnoxious" when my neighbor (too close for comfort) turnrd on their three brighter than sunshine kerosene lamp.  Oiy vey...and I only brought chocolate snd Doritos to battle the nerves..silly me!!imageSo I set up tapestries to pretend I am in the wilderness...and I will just have to pretend the noise is wild animals...or something like that!!!imageAs long as the boys r having fun..They are playing their music to annoy the neighbors..I have either done something terribly wrong or terribly right!!


Sometimes I find it hard to behave


Her Scent Follows Me