Alone Time - Priceless

After my delicious nap at the Wheeler Gorge campsite, I put on a tie-dyed bikini top and a long white skirt and, barefoot, went for walk. At the top of the campground, I found a trail that meandered alongside a stream. It was quiet, except for the gurgling water. Peace out.I sat on a rock in the middle of the stream and contemplated my life. I wandered a bit further and tucked in under the trees and watched indigo blue damselflies dart about. I got up and followed the trail as it curved around a bend to an open area, hot and toasty. I turned my face to the sun, and then looked out over the rolling green hills. Stopping to appreciate nature and my own thoughts, it took me the better part of two hours to explore the half mile trail. The best part was that no one was waiting for me.As twilight descended, I built a fire and sat down to read Jitterbug Perfume. I set tealights in glass canning jars around the firepit to add ambiance. I pulled on handmade wool legwarmers and a hand-sewn hat and scarf combo that I bought at the Northern California Women’s Herbal Symposium.  My headlamp quickly went out, so I read by candlelight. I laughed at myself, sitting there in the semi-dark still tenaciously trying to read about Pan when I was already in nature.And so the evening continued, with me sipping wine and munching on chocolate, enjoying my own company.The next day I slept in, watching the dapple light cast shadows of the live oak tree branches above me. I broke down camp and drove into Ojai with the windows down. I bought a 1960s pin for the OC Blogger Bash from a thrift store, a bunch of Sangiovese grapes at the Farmers market and a sundress.  I drank a cup of coffee and enjoyed a wonderful spinach quiche at Ojai Coffee Roasting shop.  Then I got in my car and rambled on home again…


Riding Through Joshua Tree


Choosing a Campsite in Wheeler Gorge